With the announcement of Workforce Australia’s new complaints mechanism, our phone hotline operations are currently paused while we re-evaluate our processes.

We are currently advising all Workforce Australia participts with complaints to contact the National Customer Service Line on 1800 805 260.

We are currently advising all Disability Employment Services participants with complaints to contact the Complaints Referral Resolution Service on 1800 880 052.

Until recently, a large part of our advocacy work was escalating complaints until the Department would actually investigate an issue. You can also now indicate that you do not wish to talk to your provider as part of this complaint, and the Department will investigate and resolve the complaint on your behalf without referring you back to your provider.

We invite you to please let us know via our email inbox if your complaints are not being investigated promptly, or are not being resolved satisfactorily, or you are being victimised by your provider for making a complaint. This will be our process of engagement for advocacy for the time being while we consider longer-term changes to our advocacy approach while we evaluate the impact of these new developments.

If you’d still like to connect with AUWU for the above, or for any other advocacy reasons, please email us via

The AUWU operates a free advocacy hotline if your issue with an Employment Services Provider or Centrelink cannot be resolved by looking through our Unemployed Workers’ Rights guide. Please fill out the below advocacy intake form, or alternatively call our hotline on either (03) 9811 7064 or 1800 289 848 (1800 AUWU4U), which operates from 10 AM to 2 PM Monday to Friday. Please go to our Disability Support Pension advocacy page for issues with applications for that payment specifically.

Fill out the below form to receive advice on your issue from our advocacy team. Please note that our current volume of requests is higher than expected, and the advocacy response system is undergoing major restructuring. Responses may take a while and we thank you for your patience.

Advocacy Inquiry Form

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